3 Character Traits That Makes A Good Compliment

3 Character Traits that make a GOOD compliment!

 “I can live for two months on a good compliment”

Mark Twain

Compliments are one of the fastest conversation starters to break the ice and make it easier to warm up to a person and make them feel better about themselves. While everyone loves a compliment, it’s not always easy to come up with the right word. At times you may use just one word to explain what you think about someone, but saying at the right moment is the interesting part.

A compliment is a two-way process and is paramount in maintaining positive energy in your social life. If giving compliments is a knack, so is receiving them. When you receive a good compliment, you must remember to spread the same positivity around you by acknowledging someone else’s triumphs. Many times we underestimate the power of a gentle nod, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear or the smallest act of caring. You may not realize, but the social reward of having something good said to you, or about you, could enhance your motor skills and improve your performance manifold.

A simple compliment can go a really long way in just making you come over and say, ‘Your smile is contagious” or “I love the way you dress” or “I feel confident when you are around “. If you enjoy being in the company of someone or love their smile, or how they make you feel, don’t be shy to tell them you love them in as many ways as you can, even if you sound awkward in doing it in the first place. If your friend recently bought her beautiful wedding dress, let her know. If you see a stranger in the metro and love their hair, tell them.

Have you ever been received a compliment by someone who you thought was awarded poorly? Or have you ever struggled with finding the right word to praise someone who is humble, classy, and handles grace under pressure?

If you have ever found yourself in one of the above two awkward situations, below is a list of three traits I’m convinced will make yourself and others feel better. While there is no secret formula to get the compliments right, these are some essential characteristics that will enhance your compliments and appear more legitimate.

   1. Be precise, but also honest

While some of us may get compliments about our looks, outfit or our work ethics often, it is those rare things that are usually ignored or normally don’t get noticed on a regular basis that do the trick. When someone comments you for that distinct quality they like in you, it shows how detailed their observation is and that they are genuinely interested in you. Such a compliment can leave a lasting impact on the receiver.

   2. Choose your words wisely  

If words are not your forte, it shouldn’t bar you from complimenting others. You might want to consider choosing your complimenting words more carefully, as too much exaggeration with flashy words will only backfire and too little might not serve the purpose. You may have good intentions at heart but come off as someone impolite if you do not cast your words carefully. Just make sure to be honest so that the compliment seems genuine.

   3. Give a compliment with a clear heart and don’t expect anything in return

While you may be adept at offering compliments, the best praise is the one that is sincere and comes straight from the heart. Learn to cease gasping for all the attention directed toward you and instead let the recipient feel special, be seen and have the glory for a while. Expecting anything in return can leave you in an awkward position and subtly minimize the joy the intended person has in sharing. To a certain degree, most of us engage in this habit, much to our own detriment. It is better to just truly appreciate what you are complimenting and then move on.

Starting today, try these compliments on your near and dear ones and feel the magic!

  1. You make me feel important
  2. I love your lame jokes
  3. Your outlook on life is incredible
  4. You are more of a superhero than any Marvel character out there
  5. When it comes to cooking, no one cooks food quite as delicious.
  6. You look awesome today

These can be the perfect way to let someone know they are unique, important and loved. Try out a few of them on the person you admire very much, perhaps your best friend, your spouse or your boss, and see what happens.

And yes, you are Amazing!

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